friends, customers, clients, patients, and all others as deemed by Google. The receiving inbox can also have its own drop down boxes for emails (correspondents) from games, brokers, family, friends, customers, clients, patients, and all others as deemed by Google. The users would have the option as to which emails or inboxes he would see after signing in, the Gmail receiving inbox (Receiving Gmail) or the Gmail main inbox (Gmail Main inbox) or as deemed by Google. Or in another presentation, there will only be one Gmail inbox and all the above and other email classifications will also be gathered and/or received by the drop down boxes attached to it accordingly. This new feature to an email or email can be called Gmail within an Email, or Gmail Inbox within an Inbox, or simply the new Gmail. All or any of the features for the Google+ Online Photo Album, the Google Transparent Rectangle, and the Google Online Newspaper, and Magazine can also be applied in the Google Email. The above mentioned emails and inboxes could also be a result of a Google button, link/s, or group of links. Leaderboard, Large Rectangle, Mobile Banners, Large Skyscraper, Medium rectangle, and other ad formats for commercials and advertisements can also be placed anywhere on the Google Email or as deemed by Google. The Google Automatic Mouse Arrow, the Rotating Page Navigator and its variations will be used and applied on the new Google Email. In another presentation, the new Gmail could also have a Spam Receiving Inbox (Spam Receiving Email)
and a Spam Main Inbox (Spam Main Email) with their corresponding drop down boxes. The Gmail users would have the choice which of the inboxes (emails) he would see after signing in or as deemed by Google. The emails in Gmail could also be sent through the Google Cutting, Copying, Mailing Marker. I hope this Google article is helpful to you.
All Google Rectangles, Windows, Transparent Rectangles and Drop Down Boxes, Google Columns, Google Buttons, Google goto Buttons, Google Rotating Page Navigator, Google Automatic Mouse Arrow and all others could also be shown on television, TV and Internet TV and all others...........