Google Cutting, Copying, and Mailing Marker
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Sometimes cutting or copying a document can be not as easy as it usually is. This is a situation where there is small part that we need not copy and a long part that we need to. We have to drag the computer mouse and wait till we get to the end (or at a particular point) of the part we want to copy. To go straight this can be done by a control m command to mark and control a to highlight and then we start copying or cutting. First we have to press control m at the point where we want to limit (border) the highlighting of a page. Afterwards we do it the usual way, we click on the part where we want to copy or cut and then press control a to highlight and then we can already use the copy or cut command. Sometimes there are more than one parts that we need to copy or cut. We can do this by using the control m commands on the limits of those, and then we click on the parts that we need to highlight and using control a individually (or at once by clicking individually, without highlighting on each part, and using control a at the last part). Only the parts that we clicked on will be highlighted and will be copied or cut as the case maybe. This operation can also be done by the Mark command on the right click box. The Google control m command can also be used for creating playlists and sending emails (the part that we want to email). A particular part or parts of a document can also be highlighted the usual way and then sent or mailed. The Google control l and Google control x commands will be used for vertical and diagonal (in both direction) marking respectively. All three Google control commands can be used altogether (all any number including one and zero and all any number in between texts, lines, and spaces), clicking on every (or any) parts. A Google
control g command for grid can also be used for marking as above, all four Google control command results can be moved, dragged, and relocated. I hope this Google article is helpful to you.......
All Google Rectangles, Windows, Transparent Rectangles and Drop Down Boxes, Google Columns, Google Buttons, Google goto Buttons, Google Rotating Page Navigator, Google Automatic Mouse Arrow, Google Cutting, Copying, and Mailing Marker and all others could also be shown on television, TV and Internet TV and all others...........